About a year ago, I started a thread asking a question on this topic at maxfisch, but almost no one said much. Not sure if that meant that people were being private or if it meant that they just assumed I was a bit dumb to be asking.

But . . .

a year ago . . .

I was reading the blog of a mistress in North America and the mistress was describing one of the first times she had done fb with or of a client.

Anyway, the way I read it, I don't think there were cndms in use at the end for one of the parts. Obviously, I also see clips on the Net and there are plenty of the fb and probably most fb clips on the Net that are without condms.

Anyway, I just began to assume that for most dommes, fb meant a significant part of the session, or all of it, would be without cndm, even though I have read of parties in which it is clear that cndm was used for this type of semi-public session.

Anyway, does anyone wish to confirm my "guess" that most fb sessions are significantly without cndm in a place?

At the same time as it is my guess, there is mistress T who films a lot of her live sessions and includes this type among them . . . and one of her subs threw up partway through the visit! And several of the dommes who post or who have posted at max have or had clips for sale of fb and the clips are pretty obviously, for the most part, without cndms on the guys.

Not trying to start a flame war or trolling . . . not sure if or when any domme might persuade or try to persuade me to do fb but the topic is a little bit mysterious and controversial and so it is fun to learn . . .