Sub drop? I've had a wide variety of feelings and emotions after session especially years ago when I was a lot less experienced. If it was a mediocre session I'd feel guilty about (a) making the appointment with someone new and: (b) the amount of money spent.

In recent years most of my sessions have been memorable and rewarding. I pick my spots nowadays and have sessioned with less than a handful of ladies in the past decade, which may be part of it. If I experienced sub drop or depression it was usually due to me visiting out-of-town to visit a Mistress or her coming to my hometown. The anticipation and euphoria of the session disappears as soon as you leave and hit the street. It can be tremendously deflating.

I have been able to combat that feeling by reliving the session in my mind before I go to bed. Another way has been to text or call the Mistress later in the day, or the next day, to thank her. With Mistresses I've known well and have reached out, they often value the feedback because, as stated here earlier, they may experience some sort of "drop" from the session too.