Originally Posted By Mistress Tissa
I think clients need to communicate this kind of thing to us, just like we communicate to them what we need to do to prepare for them. Otherwise, I don't assume clients are going through any tedious process to prepare. Most probably don't. But if I do know, it will help me understand the client's personal circumstances better.

This is a very good point. For the most part I assume the excitement starts the moment the session is booked but I don't think of prep starting until a day or two prior - maybe waxing, mani/pedi, enema, etc. When pegged said he prepared over a two week period it was a bit of a shock. I can see how he finds cancellations devastating. If someone communicated that to me I would definitely do everything within my power to make sure he had his session and I am sure you would too - or most any other Domme - if it was properly communicated.

On the other hand if a Domme has issues like a chronic illness, is caring for a family member or has any other issue that causes her schedule to be erratic, I think she has a duty to tell her clients. She doesn't have to go into details but if clients have a high probability of having to reschedule, they need to know. Some Dommes are part of the industry because they can set their own schedule and work around health and family issues. If it's done professionally, great. If they come across as flakes that is bad for all of us. And this nonsense of "I'm a Domme. I will do whatever the hell I want." is just BS. Do that in the lifestyle but don't call yourself a pro. I don't know if you agree with me on that one, but I had a mini-rant going there. Sorry ;-)

Originally Posted By Mistress Tissa
That's amazing that in (how many?) years of being a pro that you've only had to cancel 5 times or less.

I think it helpful for some clients to know that when a Domme has to cancel it might not be her being unprofessional but that she has a health condition or some other emergency has happened. I don't cancel often, but I have had to because of an emergency. Like you, Mistress Ayn, I offer extra time on the session as my apology.

Agreed. Not every cancelation is due to flakiness or because we have something we would rather do. In the rare event I have had to cancel it was because I was sick and thought I was contagious and once due to a death in the family. I shared this with the client. If a client is just told we have to cancel and we don't give a reason, their imagination might fill in the blanks in an unfavorable way.

Early in my career I missed an appointment with a newbie due to a communication error. He thought I had flaked on him. I thought he had flaked on me. When we discussed it he told me all of the emotional upheaval he went through from getting the courage to set the appointment to begin with to thinking I had decided not to see him. I felt so bad for him and have always had that in the back of my mind.

Up until a year ago I suffered from terrible migraines. It would be easy just to cancel, but I would pop a Relpax and go do the session. As a side note, oddly enough often the session would cure the migraine. Just thought I would share that.
Making grown men cry . . . and loving every minute of it.

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