You make great points. Disclosure is important. A big family reunion with a fetish event? Oh my! Sounds like a National Lampoon family vacation movie.

I agree that discretion is necessary and, should be handled carefully. Most scene people that I know are considerate. Their goal is not to offend anyone. Many are big family people. They wouldn't want to be the the cause for parents to have untimely conversations with children.

Fetish events in Vegas I have to give a pass to.'s Vegas. Anyone going to Vegas has to know they may see unusual things.

I had never thought of it like this, but you are right that the hotels have a responsibility to their customers. They should be able to keep the adult events completely separate from the family ones or, decline to take someone's business. Organizers of fetish events should be asking as well. The scene doesn't need bad press and, no should be made to feel uncomfortable.