
A lot of people around me are a bit cynical about the change of time

That is why I have always avoided New Year resolutions, though I have made resolutions at other times of the year and kept them.

Growing up I heard adults make a lot of jokes about failing New Years resolutions and I got the message that they never work.


I have my dungeon in Paris pretty much set up--and it does look mighty nice, I have my regular, loyal slaves and a stream of new ones, so I am going to focus on giving back to the BDSM community. I have been working on the English Speaking Munch and started teaching classes (in English) and I am going to have the time and energy to grow these projects as much as I can in 2020.

Of course I am going to work on my French and train to get my French driver license--a mountain of a goal in of itself--but these are not so kink orientated. Well, by the end of the year I will be driving my own kidnapping getaway car. . .

That sounds like so much fun I am jealous smile.


Edited by Soapy (01/01/20 02:26 PM)