Yes, lack of communication is the best way to ruin a session. It is funny that how much things change, over generations, how much they stay the same. About 3% of the clients and, video slaves I came across over the years had a similar "Read my mind. Be a slave to my fetish attitude." When they didn't get what they wanted, they were angry. And, when they did get what they wanted, they were back again, like a drug addict, upset if they didn't get the same "High" they did last time. These type of folks have the maturity of a 2 year old of a two year old who dropped their lollypop in the sandbox.

On the flip side, this reminds me of a long time client, who is one of my best friends, to this day. The first time he came to see me, I thought it was a great session. Nothing crazy but, fun. He sent an email later and, politely told me that he was disappointed but wanted to see me again. I thought, wow, this guy doesn't even know what he wants so, how can I? I agreed to a second session, decided to throw activities out the window and, asked him to simply tell him how he imagined himself feeling. For whatever reason, we had a blast. He saw me every week for the next ten years, with the occasional weekend session. Although I retired years ago, he's still a part of my life. None of that would have happened if he had not had the maturity to talk to me after our first session.

Sounds like your recent client exposed himself, early on, to be one of "Those guys" that isn't worth your time.