Originally Posted By Mme Veronica
Until very recently, it was socially and academically acceptable to condemn us as hopeless perverts.

This has been true for other "disorders". Over time, society comes to realize that what was once thought a disorder, is uptight christian values guiding what is considered illness. I'm not blanket criticizing christians, but there are some that do like to cast stones.

Homosexuality was categorized as a disorder up until the release of the DSM-III I believe. Gender Identity Disorder was in the DSM-IV, but has been removed from the DSM-V. There was a time (and for some backward thinking it's still acceptable) when it was socially acceptable to condemn homosexuality. Although there is movement, there is still a large group fighting vehemently against accepting transgender.

This is where I believe mainstream media and Hollywood play a vital role. Think back to when Ellen came out. I know there were famous gay people before this, but, she was very popular and well liked. She went so far as to make her TV character gay. shocked There was backlash, but it opened a door for others to eventually feel like they could come out.

Now we are in the midst of the battle of acceptance over transgender. Chaz Bono came out followed by Caitlyn Jenner. I would like to think eventually this won't be so taboo and the transgender community will no longer be labeled perverts.

Which brings me to BDSM and Fifty Shades of Grey. I know many in the BDSM community roll their eyes at the mention of fifty shades of anything, BUT, you have to admit it has on a very small scale made acceptance of kink a little more acceptable. I know many women who admit (while blushing) they read the books or saw the movies. I think we need more movies and books.

Originally Posted By Mme Veronica

That, and many people in academia are fucking snobs


Unfortunate truth. What that mentor did was disgraceful for someone who is educated and should embrace differing thoughts and opinions.