Originally Posted By Cheyenne
Actually, depending on the state you live in, typical aspects of prodom are illegal. They shouldn't be. But, they are. While doms are certainly not escorts, none of us should think we are any better or, safer with law enforcement. What le doesn't care about in Columbus, Ohio could get someone arrested in Cincinnati, Ohio. So much of it is not what is written in the state but, how the local town feels about adult industry. It is a grey area we all have to be respectful of. I do agree that it is not good for doms to advertise with escorts. It gives local le and, customers the wrong impression. I can't remember the name of the escort review site but, one of my customers posted about me on it years ago. It was a favorable review but, my phone rang off the hooks for weeks with people asking for services that I had never been asked for or, even thought about providing. Finally, one of my clients called and, told me about the review. It took a male member of the site to get my review done. They had no respect for a woman requesting not to be associated with their site. So, yes, professionally, it is better for a dom to stay away from association with escort avenues.

Cheyenne, My point is simply this. When two or more prostitutes discuss committing an act of prostitution, it is a criminal conspiracy.

Not so with Dommes.

You are correct, an individual Dominatrix may commit a crime while she is conducting a session, exempli gratia, She murders Her sub. The agreed upon session was not illegal, the murder was.

From a LE perspective there is a huge difference!