a form of sexual desire in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, item of clothing, part of the body, etc..

I most definitely have a fetish for feet ,high heels and beige nylons. This fetish is at the root of all my masochistic and submissive fantasies. I was born in the 1950s and my earliest memories are of crawling around at my mother's feet while she was wearing heels and nylons. This is really deep seated in me. It’s like the tiny seed that was the beginning of the giant redwood of my now wide variety of bdsm activities. Things have morphed and changed over the years but this is the base of it all. I still request it every time I see someone new. A woman’s feet and shoes and legs are the first thing I look at in public and I still get this jolt when I see an attractive woman in heels and am fascinated to tell if she is wearing nylons or is bare legged which is still a turn on as well.
And still trying to figure it all out.................. buffalo