I never really thought I had any fetishes until just recently. I suppose opening up to explore this side of myself I will discover a lot I didn't know, or how deep my interests go.

I think I have been aware as long back as I can remember, without acknowledging why, that the sound of heels clicking grabs my attention. If you believe as certain early psychologists did that it stems from associations early on... possibly this was subconsciously planted from years in Catholic school and taps on military boots. For those not familiar, taps on military boots are used for during competitions and exhibitions to demonstrate discipline and precision. Drill instructors also wear them for intimidation purposes.

Regardless of where it originates, I have become aware of how aroused and/or distracted I get when I see boots - specifically knee high or higher. During my first session with Mistress Ayn she wore boots and I loved kneeling at her feet. Unfortunate for me, knee high boots are in this Fall season and I'm seeing them at work, out and about, everywhere it seems!

So it seems I have a fetish for boots. Do you have any fetishes? When did you realize you had a fetish for something particular? Did you always have it or did it just develop?