Originally Posted By Domina M
Originally Posted By AspX

Yes, I am ranting and I don't want this to turn into another debate about what are valid safety protocols,

And yet. . . I'm gonna do just that. Hear me out though.

Not all dommes, but I do insist that someone communicates with me out of role. Some can do it all being "Mistress all the time," but I need a foil to evaluate mental health.

Most findoms rely on heavy humiliation and bullying. (Absolutely fine with in the context of a session.) The problem is, if applied relentlessly and without understanding someone's limits, it can cause someone to snap. Yes, the meek, and whimpering "paypig" couldn't get past his ATM limit, so she made it his fault and perhaps humiliated him on the street. In the right context a sexy scene, and she has probably been rewarded for that behaviour in the past. Nope, this one snaps.

I don't like victim blaming, and I am sad this happened to anyone. It was an expensive lesson for her to learn. I hope she takes it to heart.

If your business model is to prey on the perceived weak and stupid, you are not kinky, you are an asshole.