Originally Posted By buffalo
I was PMing someone here which prompted me to post this . I guess this post is aimed at older retired subs but it could be relevant to anyone. Or maybe others don’t have this problem. I am married and retired. My wife is also retired so we are home together. When I was working it was much easier to find time to session but now I cannot just go out for the 3 hours it takes to session without my wife wanting to know where I am going and she’s going to ask how things went when I get home. She knows all my friends so it’s too risky to say I am doing something with them.

Obviously hobbies are the way to get around this. I do not golf and it wouldn’t work for me to take it up but I was thinking golf is the ideal excuse to get out of the house to session. It’s an all day thing and you can do it alone. You could even play 9, session and get home like you played 18. Skiing, although less popular, would be similar I think if you ski and live in reasonable proximity to a ski area. I was wondering if anyone has ever used golf or skiing as an excuse to session or what other hobbies have people used as an excuse to get out of the house?

How about the truth. Most wives would never believe it! grin
Truth is everybody is going to hurt you: you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.