Originally Posted By AspX
However, it is always uncomfortable to piss for a certain amount of time afterwards.. but to put thst into perspective, being uncomfortable from session activities also occurs in relation to other activities like corporal and trampling.

For me, with corporal and trampling it's a bit different, you know where that discomfort is likely coming from and that there's nothing to worry about.
For example, after corporal, sitting might be slightly painful, but I know it's not like my ass is destroyed or anything.
But with sounding you don't really have a way to check. If there's a cut, you can't really disinfect a cut in your urethra, and unless you go to the hospital you can't really know whether or not it's really bad until it's too late.

Sorry, I don't mean to be all negative about a fetish/kink in a thread about enjoying that fetish/kink! I swear i'm not usually a curmudgeon when it comes to BDSM fetishes!