At one point these were intermixed under the niche "Femdom," but it would appear that, while there is some cross over, Findom and Gynarchy have spun off in to their own genres.

I took a stance against FinDom about 4 years ago. To be honest it was really to stop all the spam from wankers who claimed to desire "wallet raping." I never found it interesting and those asking for it, as they presented themselves, seemed to be horrible people. I don't like being around horrible people or actual "losers." Findom was such a default, I had to adamantly remind promotion sites and re-tweet services that NO I was not available for cash meets, or what ever inanity they are calling it now, and stop saying I was. Most dominas worth their salt have separated themselves from it and, while there are still a few old school and excellent names, most findoms are "brats" who heard about the money-for-nothing fad on a podcast or youtube video. (I somehow imagine them all the think of themselves as "Instagram models" as well.)

Gynarchy is the new fashionable name for Fem-Supremacy. As a fantasy, in the context of session--or better yet OWK!--I am all for it. Ya damn skippy in my dungeon I am the ruler of all things, however in the cold light of the outside world, this just doesn't stand. Ability and privilege or, inversely, stupidity and incompetence, knows no such boundary of gender. In my experience both misandry and misogyny come from an ignorant place of fear as the person speaking often is completely dependant upon the other sex.

I am perfectly happy to have these aspects spin off from classic femdom and hopefully spin out in to the wilds, far, far from my dungeon.
I've broken all my toys. Would you like to be broken?