I had a corporal session yesterday that, if i'm being honest with myself, I couldn't really find myself in the headspace to enjoy. It's not as though the domme didn't do what I expected, she was very much what I hoped when I booked the session, and there were even extra wrinkles to her play that excited me.
But for some reason I just couldn't enjoy the session, not in the moment and not even recalling back to it in my mind. Its been the same way for the last couple of times i've tried corporal, i've just ended up regretting it for some reason.

I had enjoyed one corporal session a year ago immensely, but since then I haven't been able to recapture that same enjoyment. Not with that domme nor with others.

So i'm very interested in hearing what others enjoy about corporal sessions and what really drives their interest in it, partly to help figure out whether or not I'm even capable of enjoying it. Both subs and domme perspectives are welcome!