Yes... I once did a double with two Dommes who I knew really were just dipping their toe into the Pro waters (it was also the only double I have ever booked and I only did so because they would only take a session in tandem). We actually planned on getting together later that night but they blew me off.

However, the next day was the first day of work for my new boss and we went out to lunch... Lo and behold the two Dommes come into the same restaurant and sit at a table by the window. I outwardly maintained my composure but inside I was completely freaking out. Spent the entire time working through different scenarios amd how I would react if that happened. Luckily, nothing did.

On the flip side though, I once was out eating dinner with my Domme and as we are walking out I hear someone saying my name and it was very old frimeds of my parents (the type you call uncle and aunt). I stopped and talked to them and made up something about who she was... Meanwhile, she didn't stop and just went to the front door so it all worked out fine, but it still made me really uncomfortable.