Just as with ladies in the FemDom scene, it is different for everyone. Sometimes, it isn't "retiring." It is a hiatus. I've seen my clients/friends fade in and, out when they get girlfriends, married, ect. Some times, they've just overdone it and, need a breather.

My late husband loved the scene. It didn't consume his life. He was quite traditional 80% of the time. But, that 20% of the time, it was on in a big way. He went through a period of time in his mid 60's where he just couldn't take the corporal he once wanted. I'll never forget, Jean Bardot and, I had him strung upside down by his ankles for a single tail whipping...and, he just wasn't his usual self. Jean and, I gave each other a look, as if to say, "We need to bring him down without embarrassing him." He flat out wasn't up for it. Skip to a year later, after hiatus and, he was back at everything, even to the point that I couldn't keep up.

He left the world when he was 74. Up until that unexpected time, he was at the gym every day. He was at every weekend event Michelle Lacy hosted and, going to Fetish Factory parties. Maybe it was the contrast between his scene life, which was quite extreme and, his home life that was Leave it Beaver traditional, that gave him the balance of playing and, retiring at the same time.

But, no one should be ashamed of their age or, feel they are too old. It is what you feel like doing at the moment.