I realized that I had "different" sexual interest on my early teens. I wasn't really sure of why I seemed to have interests that didn't seem common in my friends. I began to experiment with simple self bondage and had a pretty large collection of wooden clothespins hidden away in my bedroom. I though I had died and went to heaven when I discovered Penthouse Forum with their occasional, and usually silly, article about dominant women.

OF course in high school and college I had my share of vanilla girlfriends and relationships, though I always had that still secret desire to be on heavy leather bondage and at the mercy of a sadistic women. it was not until I was working in NYC that I finally had a chance live that fantasy. While I didn't know it at the time, I was incredibly lucky that my first experience was with the amazing Ava Taurel. The rest, as they say, is history. Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful history!

Thanks for posting an interesting question, it was fun to wander down memory lane.