I can’t speak for all Dommes but this is how I like to receive My tribute.

How to present your tribute:

Have it ready – counting out your tribute in front of Me is uncouth. Whether intended or not, I see it as a passive aggressive move to remind Me that you are paying and therefore in control. It’s not the best way to start your session.

Have it in a plain, unsealed envelope. Even if you have been seeing Me for years, I may count the tribute in private before we start. Especially if it’s a double or the tribute deviates from our norm. I prefer not to have to rip the envelope open to do this check.

Don’t write anything on the envelope. I would prefer not to have a bunch of envelopes with “Mistress Ayn” floating around out there – either in your pocket or the trash. We all know who it is for.

Just lay it down within eyesight upon entry. Don’t hand it to Me. Most of Us were taught not to touch the tribute. It’s a legal thing and I don’t know if it holds water or not, but I have always done it this way and it just feels better to Me. Somehow it’s less transactional and starts everything off right.

If in doubt, ask. It is your first live interaction with a Mistress, so get it right and start things off positively.
Making grown men cry . . . and loving every minute of it.

Main website: www.mistressayn.com
Content site: www.aynrules.com
Follow Me on Twitter - @MistressAyn