Actually, having spent so much real time with Her (rather than just play/session time) I would say she actually doesn't have that attitude when it comes to every man, but you are dead-on when it comes to any man who identifies to her as a sub.

Thank You for the compliment but She actually is just one of my Dommes (although She owns me in ways I never thought possible as the switch/poly slutbag that I am). By coincidence, she messaged me on Thursday asking about my schedule (which unfortunately is packed solid until the end of next month) and has already told me that she plans to order me back to Chicago sometime in October.

So, since I tend to use the Buzz to spew out these stories you will get to see them all over time without having to go hunt down some blog... Also, knowing what is on my schedule real soon, I am also confident there will be other stories generated with other Dommes before then. (in fact, I know a specific someOne who is probably reading this thinking "Yes there will Asp... Yes... There... Will!!!")