In the situation you describe, it would have been beyond considerate to give her twenty dollars, explain that equipment is important to you and, if her facilities change, please contact you.

Years ago, I traveled a good bit and, did sessions on the road. Usually, I'd rent a cabin in the woods and, convert it into a rustic dungeon. (Loved that.) But, on one trip, to see my regular clients in Ohio, most of them wanted the convenience of a hotel, instead of traveling an extra 45 miles. So, I changed venues. One of my favorite clients who I liked a lot, was so disappointed. He went through the session anyway and, didn't tell me how he felt until the end. I still feel bad about that, to this day. Most Doms want to walk away from a session, knowing she rocked the sub's world, not disappointed him. Sessions require a good bit of money and, emotional energy. Better to speak up and, get what you want or, politely say, "No thank you."