Interesting topic, thanks for posting it.

While you are understandably viewing and experiencing this behavior from a BDSM perspective, I would suggest that it is just another sad example of the overall degrading of civilized norms. I believe that behavior is enabled and to a great extent the byproduct of the availability of communication through digital channels that is both unaccountable and anonymous.

Because there is so little face to face, or even voice to voice communication, it has become easier to treat people with disrespect.

This type of behavior is growing more common in all aspects of society. The normalization of this behavior, along with a universal sense of entitlement are degrading civility everywhere.

These rude and disrespectful "subs" feel entitled to your time and attention simply because that's what society has taught them. Since they are "considering" using your skills, they feel entitled to say or react however they want.

Police officers being doused with buckets of water ? No problem, you work for the public so the public is entitled to do whatever they want and the drenched cops have to just sheepishly walk away. How many online clips have you seen where someone goes berserk because their order was slow in coming or incorrect at the drive up window ?

Everyone is entitled to everything the way they want it, when they want it and for what they want to pay for it. And they are also "entitled" to react as badly as possible when someone disabuses them of that notion.

Sad to say but that's where society is.