The 17th St. & 3rd location is where Gloria eventually stopped sessioning. I called one day in '85 I think, after a hiatus of a year or two and I spoke to Belle. She wasn't sessioning then either. She asked me, "you want someone like Gloria?" I said yes but taller and bustier. (Could it have been second try's Swedish blonde flight attendant?) Maybe. She was a 6 ft. Amazon in heels who barely had on a faux fur bikini who grunted and yelled at me the whole time and, come to think of it was my first session with wrestling in it, her pinning me and me taking it. Saw her twice and then she left Belle's. It was brief but memorable.
Belle then pushed me to meet this tall, striking European woman with a wonderful accent. She was Mistress Ava Taurel who I served there and at her studio. But more about that later.