It seems like every decent payment option for us eventually runs into issues. For several years I have successfully used People like it because the payment can be put on their credit card, they don't have to link a bank account and it's anonymous on both ends.

A few months go I received a deposit from a couple in Europe via Giftrocket. The next day I got an email that it was canceled. At the time we thought it might be because we were in different countries. On Twitter several Mistresses were reporting the same issue and we finally determined it was the note the sender had left . . "deposit", "for session", etc. So going forward I asked people to be more discreet with the note and didn't have any issues - until last week.

I received a deposit through Giftrocket and the sub had put "for (insert date of session)" . I thought it might get canceled because Giftrocket wants everything to be a gift, not a payment, but a week later I had heard nothing. We did the session and then 3 days later I get a message from Giftrocket that the transaction had been canceled. This was 10 days after it was sent. I reached out to the sub and we got everything settled, but my point is that they held the guy's money for 10 days (used it, collected interest, whatever) and then canceled the transaction. This seems almost criminal.

Anyway, I won't be using going forward and wanted to warn anyone using it what could possibly happen. The email from Giftrocket simply says the transaction was canceled, it does not say by whom. Ladies, if you have a transaction canceled, don't assume the sub canceled it.
Making grown men cry . . . and loving every minute of it.

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