Yes, Yes, and Yes! This time of year, i love toes peeking out of sandals. While colors are great, a French pedicure is such a wonderful surprise. i so want to be on my knees, worshiping feet as if they are my life source.

Thinking about feet reminded me of a game i played when i was a teenager. i haven't thought about it in years. I would page through a magazine- sometimes it might be a Playboy or Penthouse I found in my bother’s room or it might be my mother’s copy of Redbook or Ladies Home Journal. Either way, I paged through looking at every picture of a woman. If I could see her feet, I kissed the them on the page, thanked her out loud, and got to stroke five times. If their feet weren’t in the picture I counted to ten while looking at the pic, thanked her & moved on. I wasn’t allowed to touch myself unless there were feet in the picture. If I touched myself when I wasn’t supposed to or looked ahead, I lost a stroke or had to count 5 extra counts. Often I would lose 3 or 4 or all of my strokes. It was a game of building frustration. I can remember putting the magazine in the bathroom floor and playing this game on my knees, usually ending without release. Memories of my childhood.