My feelings and, experiences exactly. I am so lucky that my family doesn't think anything about it. Even their in laws, who are very religious think nothing about it. My friends in Tennessee, in the Bible Belt of all places, think nothing of it. While I am not out with the parent's of my daughters best friends in Florida, they wouldn't think anything either. So, that is a blessing. I've never had that in vanilla communities. When I was a young woman in Rhode Island and, Ohio, neighbors noticed my work hours and, life style. They thought I must be a stripper or, something like that. It was tough on the kids at times. So, glad those days are over. I get the question in Costa Rica and, I just dodge it. I don't want to be "That lady." They may not care but, why take a chance.

Next time you are going to be in the US, let me know. If I am anywhere close to were you are, I'd love to meet you. I am always looking for a reason to get to LA.