I agree, there is definitely a healing aspect to BDSM. I think if I hadn't discovered that early on, I would not be a Mistress today. There is nothing better than administering heavy corporal and seeing the look of grateful serenity on someone's face directly afterward.

That said, there are other less healthy aspects to play as well. I would say that people who describe themselves as fetishists have a harder time navigating what is healthy play for them and what is not. I've talked to many that see their fetish as having an addictive quality, not the playful sort of "addictive", but something that drives them to do things they don't want to do. This may have more to do with the individual and their brain chemistry than fetishism, but it is not uncommon.

Fun fact: I had an anatomy professor who was able to give a neurological explanation for foot fetishism. Because one of the areas of our brain that registers sensation in our feet happens to be right next to the part of our brains that registers genital sensation, some people may have some cross-wiring here that may relate feet with arousal.
