It was interesting to be romantically involved with and, then married to a man in the scene for so long. It gave me an opportunity to see FemDom from the other side. While we had a traditional home life, he loved to play from time to time...and, for intense play, I'd send him to see Michelle Lacy. Some things just don't fit into, "Who's picking up the kids today" kind of life.

One of the things he was into that I could not relate to and, actually made him promise to stop was beat downs. He filmed with SheFights before we started dating and, ended up with a concussion. All play has risk....just like many things in life. But, I worry about someone getting kicked in the head. There are ways to do ball busting that minimize risk while still being intense. But, how can someone hit someone in the head and, be safe about it? Maybe there is a way and, I just have no experience with it. My late husband loved the thought of an attractive and, skilled woman beating him up. But, more than anything, he just liked attractive women. It came down to chemistry above all else with him. Sounds like you come from the same school of thought.

Gosh, I've missed that old pervert.