I am conservative. There are a lot of reasons I would be very sorry to see MF gone. It has decades of sometimes very good content. There are hundred of users who take long breaks, come back after a while and won't know where to go. I won't be able to see any post of Loucabrazzi again.

I consider this moderation business a mixed blessing. The state of benign neglect at MF meant maximum freedom for the adult community we are supposed to be. Everybody can see the advantage of not having empty posts and having technical improvements.

Personally I do not enjoy a supposed grown up having to approve of what I want to say. It is like moving from a cable channel to a network channel. We have not to offend the big advertisers, in this case the mistresses or domination houses.

What if you don't approve of a present or future policy of a domination house? What if you consider that a mistress was unprofessional?

Basically moving from an unmoderated to a moderated environment means trading freedom for safety. This is a trade off I see too often nowadays and an excuse used by those who take away our freedoms.

I know I am in the minority. Most people value their convenience more than their freedom. This is why Facebook does so well.