I suppose BDSM experiences provide many different outcomes for the people who seriously engage in it. For me, the BDSM experience has always been one that is powerfully cathartic and absolutely joyful.

I think the key to that outcome is to a great extent dependent on having the most positive connection possible with the Domme you are serving. So in my case, anything that detracts from that connection, such as an overly aggressive and intolerant expression of their political preferences simply detracts from the power of that connection. If I don't feel that connection, as I did with you, then it makes it unlikely that I will want to session with that Domme.

I certainly respect the right of anyone to express their political preferences in whatever language they choose, but I agree with you that there is a good chance that it could cost them some clients. I also believe that some Dommes who feel that strongly don't care if they lose clients, and that is of course their decision as well.