Financial domination is one of those things I only partially understand and don't think I will ever fully understand. I have a few times played a game with a certain mistress with whom I had developed a good chemistry. She restrains me then tortures me until I cannot stand it. To get her to stop I must promise to buy her a gift (this is another variation of "using X to make me do Y"). There is no price limit agreed upon in advance. So when we go shopping together afterwards there is some risk that she might demand some outrageously expensive and I will admit that "danger" does produce an erotic tingle. I am guessing that is somewhat akin to what the finsubs experiences. I would point out this particular Domme has never gotten crazy playing this game.

From what I understand financial domination often comes with a very heavy dose of humiliation. This segues into the topic of "humiliation masochism" vs "physical pain masochism". I am not easy to humiliate and it usually does not play a big role in my sessions. However it seems that there are quite a few "humiliation masos" out there.