Hmm have you ever encountered the theories of Marnia Robinson and Gary Wilson? Not that long ago they were all over the web. In a nutshell their creed was "Sex is good but orgasm is EVIL" Their prescription for a happy marriage was to mix cuddling with a lot of karezza (coitus without orgasm for either partner) They talk at great length about dopamine and some of the other neurochemicals like prolactin. Though I always thought that at heart they were dyed in the wool Orientalists (oh, those Great Masters of Wisdom in the East, we must accept their guidance, yada yada) For the record I am not an Orientalist

In their eyes orgasm during coitus was bad unless you were trying to procreate and then it was a necessary evil. But oral sex as worse. Still worse was masturbation. But worst of all was masturbating while watching porn. So they went on frequent AntiPorn tirades

Now interestingly one of their AntiPorn arguments was that it led users into dark alleys, you know like KINKY stuff esp. that unspeakably horrible BDSM stuff. "The horror, the horror"

The irony is their main thesis has a great deal of overlap with long term chastity keyholding which falls in the Stygian realms of the kinky stuff porn might turn you on to. I was sorely tempted to sign on to one of the forums they frequent and tell Marnia she'd make a good keyholder (that comment would probably get deleted soon as they are notorious for deleting negative comments)

I would point out that there is another hormone called vasopressin connected with oxytocin and that in men vasopressin is supposedly "more important" (however that is defined) while oxytocin the romantic hormone is more important (though both hormones are generated in both sexes)

Edited by The Thomas (07/28/17 09:54 PM)