What a fabulous topic, thomas. I am fascinated by the chemistry of sex, subspace, pain, etc. I am going to post a piece on My board that a sub wrote for Me about neurochemicals and chastity. It will compliment this post nicely.

I have experienced what I believe is close to what subs feel in post session subspace. It was after My first acupuncture session. I felt that extreme relaxation and contentment you talk about, to such an extent that I didn't trust Myself to drive for about an hour. It actually took eating a snack to bring Me back down to earth. I understand why subs chase this feeling. I have never felt it before or since.

Of course, there is Domme Space and that's very hard for Me to describe. There are two distinctly different feelings for Me. One is during session. The best way I can describe it is a connection with the sub that is possibly empathetic. They appear to be losing themselves and I can make eye contact or make a physical connection that feels like it links Me to them and I get this dreamy, euphoric feeling that is just hard to describe. I have also become light headed in extreme S&M sessions and feel an irresistible need to lay hands on the sub (usually on the chest or back) and create a physical energy loop. It's really quite amazing.

Then there is a post session buzz where My body literally feels like it is tingling or humming. My best guess is that it is adrenaline because it will give Me the ability to go right into the next session without any energy drop and sometimes I have to watch Myself because My energy level may be higher than the new sub's.

Fascinating stuff.
Making grown men cry . . . and loving every minute of it.

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