Personally I think it's a great idea, however, it only works if every domme in here is impartial and keeps anything shared here confidential.

I say this because years ago I had a long time sub (almost 4 years) become absolutely problematic (stalking, putting fake ads about me, leaving fake reviews up to mess with my tours, etc., simply because I cancelled a session over a health emergency and had offered a rain check date. He had domme friends on maxfisch, he told one lady about how I was "a bitch" and she rolled with it because in her eyes I was a bitch simply because he hadn't mistreated her. Meanwhile this man would personally sit across the street from my studio for hours telling me what I wore that day. He was good in her eyes while creating havoc for me. Anything I would've shared in a domme forum about him would've inevitably made it back to him, creating even more danger for me in what was already a truly horrible situation where my safety was absolutely at risk.

I share that simply to make the point that blacklists work if everyone has the integrity to keep things here, here.

That means having an open mind and realizing that someone that has sessioned with one person or is internet friends with a sub might not fully be aware of how that same sub is behaving with others. After all, a blacklist's point is safety and that requires the safety to share in confidentiality and also to know that it won't get back to said sub and have the chance to create what can potentially become a dangerous situation for the domme that shares about her experience being wronged.