I'm a huge gear junkie and love large studios/dungeons of several rooms with lots of BDSM furniture and tons smaller equipment items. I love a subterranean dungeon vibe and if there is a small concrete cell that's even better. eek

I'm curious as to what people here think might be some of the contenders for best equipped playspaces in North America in this category?

Some that spring to my mind include Irene Boss's Pittsburg Compound and Amanda Wildefyre's house in Minneapolis (although I think she might be retired now) Both of these are full houses dedicated to play. Troy Orleans is hugely into bondage and looks to have some amazing stuff but I suspect working out of Midtown Manhattan limits her in terms of space.

Both Atlanta Dungeon and Mistress Tissa's Temenos sound interesting but the websites don't go into a lot of photo or video detail on gear or studio rooms and size. The old mill that Goddess Nemesis has in western Mass also look interesting but once again there isn't a lot of detail.

I'm sure I'm making some glaring omissions. Does Michele Lacy still have that country space?

It almost seems Europe might be better in this context but maybe that's just what some European Dommes emphasize on their websites. Also, I suppose far more very old buildings make dungeon like spaces more commonplace?