I have no interest in discussing politics here, so I seldom read about politics on MF.

That being said, I think the political forum will do no harm to those of us disinterested.

When politics are discussed, much can be learned about a person.....not necessarily their political views, but the way they bring their opinion to the table. Are they fair and open minded or are they right and you wrong.

Back in the day I was a pretty good ballplayer, used to travel to a lot of tournaments...won a couple, lost more than I care to recall. Played against guys who lost their minds on the court, yet afterwards I would hear, "he's such a good guy off the court"....never bought it!

Like playing ball, I feel political jousting allows the real colors to show.

Any opportunity to see thru to the real person, especially if I were a dominatrix, would be helpful in my book.

I have no problem with a political forum, because I choose not to partake. For those of you against it....don't read it.

Finally, I do agree with the poster who asks for other forums as well...travel, dining and could I add sports.......I mean how about that Caitlin Clark and what she is doing to expose the greatness of women's sports.

The Driver