Originally Posted By Cheyenne
Oh yeah...especially with the fetishes you've discussed here, a break could be from the intensity but be like foreplay. Shopping for furs and boots can be pricey but, watching Mistress picking out her wardrobe for the next go around and assisting? Hmmm...what would you do on a semi break that still kept you in the headspace?

I agree completely that the outings can have a strong sense of foreplay. Casual references to what may be to come can keep anticipation at a high level.

Another thing is that a "semi" break as you say doesn't always have to be a stop to all play or an outing. Any easing of intensity etc can be a break. In my case I'm a big fan of bondage so being left for an hour or two in strict restraints and perhaps a hood can constitute a "break" while maintaining the D/s vibe. Maybe something relatively comfortable like a bondage bag or straitjacket? Maybe just in shackles and caged?

That gives the Domme a bit of a break too. With a good quality baby monitor she could go off to another room, get comfortable, have a meal, watch a show, work online....whatever.