A lot has changed since the original owner sold C4S. I haven't ran my own stores for years so I don't have recent, first hand, experience. But, I can tell you that the document requirements on all platforms have been heightened. Right now, it is obtainable. However, if they start requiring things like proof that someone who is masked matches the model release, it will be a serious blow. There are so many things being added that not many of us video producers didn't anticipate. ClubDom and SubbyHubby have always covered the bases pretty well. But, the pressure on platforms where the content is offered and the credit card merchants has become increasingly oppressive. I can understand the need to verify everyone's age and consensual involvement. It has just gotten ridiculous.

As for the ladies who've shut down their stores, I would hope and expect that if it is still shown on C4S, they are getting paid. Platforms like Pornhub were founded on piracy. Scumbags like these folks have made more money from stealing content than the people who produced it.