Originally Posted By Spark
Good point While there can certainly be volatility in bitcoin or crypto over time , if a domme were immediately to convert my deposit to cash that volatility is minimal. A quick email or text exchange of “hey im sending your deposit to your bitcoin address it should be there in 10 minutes” she immediately sells the bitcoin converts to cash and its a completely anonymous transaction for both parties.

In that short of a time frame i believe the volatility cost is less than the time and expense of gas associated with driving cash deposit to the bank.

I looked into bitcoin earlier on in its existence. I remember it seemed confusing and shady, reminiscent of scams. Like I had to buy s gift card and wait for someone to accept it and give me bitcoin. I never tried this because it just seemed tedious and like there wasn't enough benefit for me.

If I were to accept a payment in bitcoin and want to immediately convert it to USD how does that work, exactly? Do I have to wait until someone buys my shares of bitcoin? What if no one does? Isn't it possible that the value of my bitcoin could drop in this timeframe? Once someone does, how do I withdraw it into actual cash?

I realize I could go look this up but since we're already having the conversation here, I might as well keep it going here. Maybe another Domme has the same questions.

If it's easier to point me (and others) to nice, easy to understand site for my answers, that works.