I'm surprised when a Domme's standard protocol is that she will accept deposits with gift cards. My Goddess, how does she do it??

I don't know if it occurred to you gentlemen but we cannot pay our bills with gift cards. And when you do something for a living, as opposed to between your classes in college or as a part-time gig to on the weekends to supplement your main gig, session tributes may be your Domme's total income.

I'd love, though, if I could send Amazon gift cards to my mortgage company and they'd be like, "Hey, thanks! You're covered for the next three months!"

When it comes to the concern with "paper trails", your ability to avoid this depend on what you mean by "trail".

I'm not giving advice to help you be a dick to your significant other, but if in some other hypothetical scenario you must keep this under wraps, you may not be able to avoid a "trail" at all. Gift cards leave a "trail". Money orders leave a "trail". Withdrawals from your bank account leave a "trail".

As much as I understand that people have privacy needs, and sometimes want to try to keep their transactions with me as "trail"-free as possible, I also do not want to be expected to shoulder the burden of someone's secret. This is not my interest or responsibility. I will always uphold your confidentiality but if you insist on paying a chunk of my wages with a gift card when I need compensation for my work to cover my electric bill then I'm afraid we're at am impasse.