Originally Posted By Chamberpot
Interesting first post.

I can read between the lines here. I understand your skepticism. I would be skeptical, too. One post and it's a glowing review of someone.

All I can tell you is:
This is a real person.
He is one of my clients.
He actually feels this way. (He told me similar things in an email and in person.)

He asked me several months ago if he could write a testimonial for me online. I said I'd appreciate that because so few people are willing (or interested) to take the time to do it, and I don't ask people to do it.

He asked where I'd like him to write it. I told him I didn't want to tell him where to write it, so I just gave some suggestions of where people write about Dommes. He tried FetLife and told me he had problems there, so he chose to come here.

I warned him that if he didn't spend time interacting on the board it would look fishy and that someone might think it's fake. My guess is that, knowing him, he thought, "Let them think that then!"