Oh yes, there are significant differences.
Here my experience:
- Hot spices really pull through (and somehow spoil it a bit because they easily dominate)
- Fibers that are not digestible just pass through, this includes things like the skins of corn, components of kale and similar vegetables. And the "healthier" a granola bar, the more grainy it comes out.
- Various foods keep their flavor to some extent even after passing through the body, particularly some vegetables and I have the impression some artificial flavors.
- Sugar itself should be absorbed. After at times tasting sweetness I did some research: If urine or feces taste sweet from sugar, a diabetes check might be in place. But artificial sweeteners are another issue, they can change the gut all together and sucralose (as is in Splenda) just passes through and makes the scat taste sweet, others make for sweet urine.

Also, food (among other factors) has implications on how moist or dry the shit comes out.

As to your corn question:
I have never experienced this. Yes, the skin of the corn passes through and if you bite on it afterwards it may give the impression of some sweetness. Maybe, if you swallow the corn kernel whole, the inside may be protected by the skin and the whole corn piece may pass through. Happy to experiment with you :-)