Curious as to what people consider the most severe/painful CP implement?

From my experience I would rank it close between a genuine Lochgelly Tawse and a little thing we got years ago from the Church of Sinvention in Canada called a Liquid Truncheon. Canes are wicked but these two....OUCH!

The tawse is an Ebay purchase from a UK antiques store. Marked J Dick XH" (for extra heavy) Incredibly dense, hard leather it's two tails are about 3/8" thick by about 3/4" wide and it's about 25" over all

The truncheon is a dense neoprene tube about 20" long and about 1/2" in diameter. (Think a hose but with a solid core) Quite stiff but still flexible enough that the end droops about 45 degrees when you hold it out straight. Even a casual flick cause deep throbbing pain.

When either of these two came out I used to become immediately amiable to nearly any other option she might offer.

What do you dread seeing come out? Or for Dommes....What makes your subs cringe?

I should note I've never experience single tails