Apparently some people still haven't gotten the memo that you cannot steal people's work. This includes their writing, photos, video, graphic art, music, even their unique ideas. What people create is their intellectual property and automatically is granted copyright protection when published. When you steal it you are violating copyright law. This can get you taken to court and your site or ads taken down. It also will have an effect on your reputation in this industry.

I have tried to educate people about this several times: in my blog, on social media, on Fetlife, and now here in this forum. While video piracy is the form of copyright infringement that has to most measurable effect on people's revenue, taking things like people's writing or ideas is not any less a matter of theft.

Plagiarism isn't just word-for-word copying, it is also what's called "mosaic plagiarism", where you take someone's sentence or paragraph and change some of the words, like swapping adjectives or other pieces around. Swapping around some adjectives doesn't make it original.

If you are not aware of what plagiarism is and is not, please read up on it.

Stop taking people's work and trying to pass it off as your own. Come up with your own content. Thanks.

Edited by Mistress Tissa (11/01/22 09:43 PM)