An MF post called "Looking for a woman to marry - serious" inspired me to post this question on a rainy weekend for anyone to comment on. No names of course. I'll start. Two Mistresses were quite dominant women, around my age and their interest surprised me since they were rather strict. One I met through the fitness/bodybuilding area and lived across the country. She was retiring but we kept in touch and went out to dinner a couple of times after she stopped sessioning when I'd visit her city. Just before she retired intimated by actions and an offhand "if-you-were-available" comment of her interest. Separately I got another "if-you-were-available" comment from another now retired Mistress I knew well a few years later. They were not women who threw around compliments and I got along great with both of them.

Tempting? Sure... but I learned years earlier not to go there. I met a Mistress who offered other services, to put it politely. We were young, there was an immediate and mutual attraction. Soon I was no longer was a client. It was intense. She had issues, and looking back at the time I did too. It ended badly.