This clip went viral, for the obvious reason,on BB forums a few years ago. It is still the subject of “what ever happened to” questions.

I do not actually believe it was made as a “ball busting” video. But I am not 100% sure. Clip is about one minute long. Given the context, I was watching it in much the same way as seeing a truck stuck on the railroad tracks and waiting for the train to hit.

Backstory (from the original comments on live leak before it was removed):

The young women in the video complimented another woman on social media about a knee she employed to drop a man in a martial arts competition (or possibly somewhere else).

This man chimes in on her social media with “girls can’t drop a guy that easy, a little thing like you sure couldn’t drop me, etc.”

They go round and round on social media and then notice they do not live that far away and decide to meet up and settle it. She warns him she is well trained and gives him every opportunity to back out of it. However, he appears to be somewhat arrogant and stupid.

Why was it probably not a classic fetish BB clip?

1] I think she filmed this to make sure he did not lie about the results later and also to cover her ass for assault charges, since he was literally “asking for it”. And probably to show her friends as well.

2] Her technique is near perfect, as far as making sure she did not miss (and reducing the risk of medical injury) by using the upper knee and lower thigh. It shows she is well trained and practiced.

3] She took the video down after a time because of the comments:
A] She was getting "creeped" out by the pervs. I don’t know if she even knew BB fetish was a thing.

B] She was also being called a heartless psycho -bitch a lot in the comments..

4] The BB tradition of replaying the kick many times may have been used to show the hit clearly, and so no one could say it was “fake”. Or maybe someone edited it in later before re-uploading. It is the internet.

What do you all think? What was the guy trying for and other questions.


BB clip