So, forgive the sappy post. But just wanted to say how much I appreciate this forum. I keep my kink life very secretive and separate from my daily life. To have a safe space to ask questions and just listen to others experiences is very special to me.

It’s really difficult to admin a board adequately and not over control it. I think the admins here do a great job of that. They let things run their course and when they go to far, they stop it. I know the world has moved from boards like this to Reddit, Twitter, etc. but no one would ever describe those as “safe spaces”. I think the online world needs more spaces like this especially in areas related to human sexuality.

I also really appreciate the mix of Dommes and subs here and that in discussions everyone is equal. To be able to hear both points of view in a rational, non emotional debate is awesome

End of my sappy rant smile. But a heartfelt thanks to all here: Dommes, subs, admins, lurkers. I sincerely hope we are all here for a long time!