In the past couple of years I have long time Mistresses who have retired; moved out of state with haphazard visits to NYC making sessions tough; and another "domina/escort" is the best way to put it who I read from social media died recently.

I'm of a certain age and this has gotten me more than a little depressed and nostalgic. In thinking about the ladies I sessioned with over the years it seems like it was a dream. Did it happen?

So, especially for you NY oldtimers out there, any experiences with the following ladies? Do you know what became of them?
Betty Gordon (upper east side); had krista from LA work with her (1980s-early 90s)
Mistress Melora (90s to 2000s - independent upper east side)
Mistress Paloma (90s to 2000 - worked with Belle de Jour)
Mistress Gloria (80s to 90s - Belle's niece?)
Goddess Vegas "Lethal Leg Goddess" ('05 to '10, from Vegas but traveled here.)
All were special in their own ways. I expect none are active anymore.
One questions for Mistresses: Do you get nostalgic for a favorite sub or slave?