I feel like there's a lot of "The ProDomme scene isn't what it used to be" talk going around... and you know what, you're absolutely right. It's not.

Times have changed and we are forced to change with it or be left behind. Long gone are the days where a ProDomme can put one ad on a site, have one method of contact, and take sessions all day long with open and last minute availability.

Times have changed. Everything is online, and newsflash:


We are constantly fighting algorithms that try to ban us. Emails and newsletters send our replies to spam. The platforms that profited off us yesterday might shut us off tomorrow.

I remember absolutely thriving with my one backpage ad and a couple of pictures. Maybe once in a blue I'd take a call on Niteflirt. I'd get emails from clients and be able to see them the same day.

That is simply not possible in today's world.

I won't speak for other Dommes, but I'm CONSTANTLY working. I work a 55 hour workweek on average despite how efficient I've made my processes.

Why? Because it's no longer one job. It's 10.

I am model, photographer, advertiser, content creator, editor, marketer, admin, cleaner, researcher, and sometimes when I'm done with all that I get to smack some butts around.

I was able to knock off 5 things from my 12-thing to-do list today after my sessions. I took a break to read the hang and pet my cats. Guess I'll fix my website get to my 32 emails tomorrow. Will I ever set up my new camera? Doubt it. There's that scammer using my pics too that I need to DMCA-- Oh crap, my nails need re-doing. Literally have to work before I can work.

The point of this post:

1) honestly, to rant. Hahahaha. Can you tell I've had a stressed day?

2) To give those on the other side an understanding as to why sometimes we take a while to reply. It's not because we're lazy or hate what we do. I still love this job and couldn't see myself doing anything else. Just please, have a bit of patience with us sometimes.

Thanks for reading.

Edit: Shoutout to MissMichelle who touched on this topic in a different forum and probably said what I said but much more professionally.

Edited by DommeLynx (03/03/22 10:43 PM)
Goddess Erika Lynx
Playful, Creative, and Sensual Female Domination.
