My imagination has got me in "a lotta good trouble" in this scene over the years, but in plenty of ways I'm pretty literal and (God help me) practical. If a Mistress advertises $XXX an hour, well then an hour it is. LOL!

As I always have said, I've been mostly lucky in this scene. I served more than a few Mistresses, including my current / longtime Mistress, who were not clock-watchers. Notably that happened more than a few times on a first meeting. Maybe it was because of my over-the-top "jungle" roleplay or than most of my sessions have not been at dungeons (hotels or their apartments/homes). And a handful of times, when I was in my 20s or 30s, I was a house slave. Maybe, like the old saying, "luck is the residue of design"? Whatever it is, I'm thankful.